Irvin McCarthy Website - Robert's friend in Vietnam that
died by his side.
The Virtual Wall -
A digital, interactive legacy memorializing the men and women
who gave their lives in Vietnam.
David N. Muxo
Vietnam Website - Robert's Sergeant in Vietnam. Author of
Bob & Jim's Last Meal and Two
Infantry Association - The Purpose of this Association shall be to organize the veterans of the 35th Infantry Regiment of the United States Army, in order to foster, encourage and perpetuate the memory of the officers and men who distinguished themselves by their services and sacrifices while with the 35th Infantry (Cacti) Regiment; to promote and cultivate social intercourse and fellowship among their descendents; to perpetuate the memory of the achievements of the 35th Infantry (Cacti) Regiment and it's members; to promote the National Defense; American patriotism and American citizenship; to encourage historical research in relation to Wars; to acquire and preserve the records of the services of the members of the 35th Infantry (Cacti) Regiment as well as documents and relics; to mark the scenes of the activities of the 35th Infantry (Cacti) Regiment with appropriate memorials; to celebrate the anniversaries for the events of our Country's Wars and conflicts; to foster true patriotism; to maintain and extend the institution of American freedom; and at all times to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.